Splatter paint in all colours with Messy Church logo

Saturday 23rd March | 4.00-5.30 pm

Join us for a Messy Easter as we look forward to the coming of our Saviour!

Join us for craft, worship and a sit-down hot meal for all the family. Simply sign up all who will be coming and plan to eat.


Sign up NOW!

Messy Church:


– is a way of being church for families involving fun

– is found across the world

– values are about being Christ-centred, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality and celebration


Dates and details of all our Messy Church outreach events can be found here. At the moment we are not meeting in person however please do join our group on Facebook to keep up with all the news, updates about online events and be the first to know of any changes.



Messy Church logo © The Bible Reading Fellowship 2019
