Hope & Love - Holy week and easter TEXT across a purple background
paint splashes in bright coulour with text Messy Church Easter

Saturday 23rd March 

Messy Church | St John’s

Join us for craft, worship and a sit-down hot meal for all the family. Simply sign up all who will be coming and plan to eat.


Sign up here!

Palm Sunday text on a green palm background

Palm Sunday | 24th March

8.30 am | Holy Communion | St Mary’s

10.00 am | Together@10 | St Mary’s

11.00 am | Morning Worship | St John’s

4.00 pm | the 4 | St John’s

Maundy Thursday text over a background picture of the last supper

Maundy Thursday | 28th March

7.30 pm | Holy Communion | St Mary’s

Good Friday text over a background picture in dark red with a crown of thorns

Good Friday | 29th March
10.00 am – 12 noon | Encounter Easter | Walk through interactive Easter Story | St John’s

Book here.


12 noon – 3.00 pm | At The Foot Of The Cross | St Mary’s

Come for any or all of this 3 hour meditative service – entry and exit each half hour. 

Easter Sunday | 31st March

7.00 am | Easter Sunrise | Cowey Sale | Order of Service

10.00 am | Easter Communion | St Mary’s

TEXT: Alelluia Christ is Risenwith an open tomb background picture