“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” This is the first and greatest commandment.And the second is like it: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39

WHY give?

We are like a family and to make our church work, we all need to be fully involved. We encourage all Church members to become partners in the vision and work of God’s Church in Walton-on-Thames by considering how much they give in time and talents as well as financially to the Church.


Help us to improve our provision for retired people, offer more for teenagers, grow our support networks for young families.

We want to be the centre of our community, shining God’s light in our town, seeking to reach all who might gain from our ministry.


As a church we endeavour to support you in your daily lives and on your frontlines. Together we seek to embrace and live out our vision. On Sundays and during the week, we gather as a community to worship, pray and give thanks.


We want to continue the valuable ministry of the Churches in our community, offering baptisms, funerals and weddings, ministry to retired people, youth, children and people of all ages. As a Church we support many initiatives in the local community including the Foodbank.


We not only want to continue all that we already do, we have great vision for growth; your commitment & generosity make a difference to our churches and our community by allowing us to continue our work, enabling our vision of growing the church and reaching the community.


As a Church, we are self-supporting depending on the donations of those who attend to pay for all of our running costs and for the work we do.  We do NOT receive any external funding from the Church of England or anywhere else.