Parochial Church Council 


The PCC is the executive committee of the Parish. It consists of the clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the laity. Legally the PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the Parish and the maintenance of its assets, such as the churches and church halls, and promoting the mission of the church.

Following the Annual Church Meeting (APCM) on Monday 29th April, 2024 the following people are confirmed as our PCC representatives:



Clergy: Jonny Blair (Chair), Cathy Blair, Caroline Merrick, Dave Bixby

Churchwardens: David Henderson and Thomasin Clarke



Carol Abson, Elizabeth Cairns, Helen Gaunt, Andrew Harding, Funmi Le Moign, Anne Redshaw, Katharine Scott, James Waggott

Deanery Synod: Rebecca Warner, Sally Eckes

Secretary: Nick Stuart (also Deanery Synod)


Please speak to any of the above about Church matters so they can represent your views.