Vicars’ Blog January 2020 – The Exodus

The Exodus

Happy New Year!


The beginning of a new year is a good time to reflect on the year gone by with its joys and blessings and to think about the things and people that are important to us. As we look to a new year ahead, it may be a new season for starting something new or adapting our lives around others. It’s so important to put in our diaries things that feed the soul as well as the body. Nurturing our relationship with God doesn’t just happen by itself, we must set aside time for prayer, Bible reading and meeting for worship. We are looking forward to a Pilgrimage to Israel this Spring and to walking in the footsteps of Jesus.


I’m an Israelite – get me out of here!
Not “I’m a celebrity get me out of here!” Although we can promise that frogs will make an appearance. We haven’t studied much Old Testament recently, so we thought about which book would really open up our understanding of God – Yahweh and the people of Israel. Exodus of course. “Let my people go!” is a message that crosses the generations and echoes through the Old Testament. Right up until the time of Jesus, the Jewish people looked back to the escape from Egypt,
the wandering in the desert, the 10 Commandments and God’s promise to be a people and to have a land. Many of the psalms refer back to part of the Exodus story and it opens up an understanding of the whole Old Testament. We will look at big themes such as liberation, sacrifice, God’s presence, mission and creation. It’s not simply an inspiring tale of the past, it is a key to understanding the person and work of Christ and it becomes our story of deliverance. Towards Easter we will offer a Passover meal as we embrace the crossover between Exodus and Easter.


Buckle up your seat belts and enjoy the ride in sermons and in Life Groups starting January 12th.

Jonny and Cathy



Our sermon series and Life Group studies will be based on this book this term. You can buy the book in the pop-up book shop at St Mary’s during Sunday services. Speak to Alex or Sally if you’d like to order a copy.