01 Mar Vicars’ Blog March 2020 – Care for God’s Creation
Archbishops Justin and Sentamu say “Lent is a time of reflection. We listen and respond to God’s calling of each one of us in humility and repentance, so that Christ’s death and resurrection at Easter bring the renewal, response and reconciliation that we so long for. Greta Thunberg says “Our house is on fire. No other current challenge can match the importance of establishing a wide, public awareness and understanding of our rapidly disappearing carbon budget… climate crisis threatens our civilisation.” At General Synod of the Church of England last week the Synod agreed to set a target to be carbon neutral by 2030. This is an ambitious target. Can we do it? And “we” is the right way to put it. The diocese of Guildford is currently a Bronze Eco-Diocese and they would like to become Silver, more churches need to become eco-parishes.
What can we do?
How can we improve our carbon footprint in this parish? We would love to hear from a couple of volunteers who would become our eco-champions. We can then assess and improve our friendliness to the environment, our energy use and so much more. We really want to encourage all of us to think and pray about our care for God’s creation during Lent. Lent begins on Wednesday 26th February and goes up to Good Friday.
We have copies of The Church of England’s #LiVELENT booklets available in church. They give Bible readings, prayers and activities for each day in Lent and the family version has got lots of ideas of practical things to do every day to help us to care for God’s world which he has made and lends to us as its stewards. Or, why not download the #LiVELENT App or sign up to receive your daily devotional via a daily email. We also have available a Faith@Home resource, pick it up in church or download from our website it’s a great aid to help you as you work your way through the #LiVELENT challenge.
Throughout March, we are continuing our series on Exodus and at the same time, considering Jesus’ 40 days in the Judean wilderness as he prepared for his ministry. As a culmination to Exodus and to lead us into Holy Week when Jesus fulfilled the prophecies and promises of Exodus and the Passover, there will be an opportunity to celebrate a Christian Passover shared supper together, a Seder. Sign up will be available soon on the website or via My ChurchSuite.
Jonny and Cathy