01 May A Conversation About Death and Life
Posted at 18:30h
in News
The death of a loved one can affect how we feel, how we act and how we think. Together, these reactions are called grief. Grief is a natural response to loss and people will grieve in all sorts of very different ways. It’s OK to feel sad, alone, or even angry. These feelings are normal, there are no rules.
If you have experienced a loss of any kind you’d be very welcome to come along to St Mary’s on Tuesday 7th May at 8.00 pm where Rev Cathy and Rev Caroline will host a conversation about death and life.
The evening is open to all and will provide a space for people to meet, ask questions, share experiences and chat. Whether you have lost a loved one recently or in the past or perhaps it’s simply something that you seek to understand better you’d be very welcome.
If you’re unable to attend or you have any questions please do get in touch with [email protected]