06 Aug Holiday Club @ HOME 2020
Posted at 10:00h
in News
Welcome to Holiday Club @ HOME
So, first things first… Have you signed up? No? SIGN UP HERE! Received your bag? In your bag (that will be delivered right to your door!) you have all the things you need to join in with our water themed Week.
We will open the week during our Family Zoom Service on Sunday 9th August at 10.15am – get in touch if you need details!
Then… Monday 10th – Thursday 13th August
Join us here at 10.00 am on YouTube for our daily video (do not worry if you can’t make it at 10, the videos will be available to watch all day).
Crafts and Experiments will all need Adult Supervision
Sunday 9th August
Jesus Walks on Water Matthew 14: 22-23
In bag- colouring sheet
Experiment idea for walking water
Monday 10th August
Miraculous Catching of Fish Luke 5:4
In bag- colouring sheet and craft, decorate your fish and add them into the net (background with fishermen, piece of net and fish shapes).
Experiment idea for Ice fishing
Tuesday 11th August
Jesus calms the storm Mark 4
In bag- colouring sheet and craft- making your own boat (foam noodle, straw and a sail).
Could you make some boats at home yourself (there are some examples in the bag).
Experiment-Calm the Storm
Wednesday 12th August
Jesus meets a woman at the well John 4:4-26
In bag- colouring sheet and craft- well with water drops (water drops, paper cup, string, quote to stick round the paper cup)
Experiment-Floating and Sinking using an orange
Thursday 13th August
Baptism of Jesus Matthew 3:13
In bag- colouring sheet and craft a cube with Jesus (cube net (needs making up), lolly stick and a Jesus and dove image)
Experiment- Invisible ink
Friday 14th August
We would like to come together via Zoom for our final story with a party theme. During this 10.30am service we would love to see some of the things you have made this week.
Zoom Login: will be sent out.
Jesus turns water to wine John 2:1-11
In bag- colouring sheet and craft- Spinning bottle turning water to wine (card bottle and water/wine images and split pin)
Balloon and sweets for a party