Lent 2021 – ideas & resources

LENT is a season where we can take time away from the pressures of life and remember the powerful hope God gives us. There are some very good resources available to guide us through Lent.



Barbara Glasson – Reflections on the Water

Tim Chester – An Ocean of Grace

Hannah Steele – Living His Story



#LiveLent: God’s Story, Our Story – The Church of England’s Lent resources theme for 2021 is based on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book for 2021 (Living His Story by Hannah Steele – link above).


Resources including daily reflections that you can recieve via emails, download the App, purchase the booklet or simply ask Alexa “ask the Church of England for today’s LiveLent reflection” more information and links can be found on the Church of England website.


Tearfund:  Daily online devotional – A story to live by – and it’s exactly that: a reminder of who God is, who we are, and how we fit into this beautiful story. A selection of prayers, poems and reflections to encourage and inspire you this Lent.


Compassion: Follow the Compassion Lent Calendar devotionals available on their website.



Do you know someone who doesn’t have access to the internet? Each day the Daily Hope line will be updated with the CofE daily audio reflection paired with a hymn. Enjoy by calling the free phone number.