Remembering Her Majesty The Queen


As a community might we collectively pause to give thanks for our Queen and a life well lived. Whilst we mourn, heaven celebrates a race well ran – “Well done good and faithful servant”. We are praying at this time for the Royal family, our new King, and our nation, we pray that all may know God’s peace and comfort.


St Mary’s Church in Walton will be open for private prayer and reflection with an opportunity to light a candle from 8.00 am – 8.00 pm – Friday 9th and Saturday 10th September. Then each day as usual from 9.00 am – 2.30 pm and for services on Sunday. There will be a book of condolence available for people who would like to come and sign it. Alternatively there is also an online book of condolence available to sign here.


All are welcome. It is often in times such as this that we find ourselves remembering our own loved ones and times past. If you would like to speak with one of the clergy please do get in touch – [email protected]. Alternatively you may like to request a prayer and you can that on our prayer page, found here.