Online registration form HURRY, ONLY A FEW PLACES LEFT! Join our amazing team as we prepare for this year’s holiday club. Mandy is still looking for volunteers to...
Seeking JOY For me, one of the joys of August, alongside a cool drink in the garden and meeting people from the parish (as the Welcome...
WELCOME We are delighted to welcome the Oehring family to St Mary's and St John's. Alex, Katy, Charlotte (6y), Rosanna (3y) and Iona (1y) join us...
Today's readings Ephesians 3:14-end John 6:1-21...
Today's Readings Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29...
Today's Readings 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-end...
More or less Welcome? Exams are mostly over and the summer term is drawing to a close. We have been blessed with some lovely sunshine in...
Today's Readings Acts 10: 1-24 Matthew 28:16-20...
WELCOME is a key strand of our Vision and Strategy. Why welcome? Most churches think they are friendly because church members are friendly to each other but how...