22 Apr David Henderson – Power for transformation and following – 22.04.18
Today's Readings Acts 4:5-12 John 10:11-18...
Today's Readings Acts 4:5-12 John 10:11-18...
Today's Readings Acts 3:12-19 Luke 24:36-48 (extended Gospel read at St John's from V13-48)...
Today's Readings Acts 4:32-35 John 20:19-31...
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[caption id="attachment_19926" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Another fabulous Easter Walk organised by Mandy who saw a staggering 392 children, 101 adults through during the week and on...
Happy Easter, Thy Kingdom Come, Vision progress and Annual meeting. So many reasons to be excited. The tomb is empty! This is the story of Easter...
Easter message from the vicars: Vision and Strategy: PCC have chosen 5 areas of the vision to focus on in 2018: These are: Taking our next steps towards...
Today's Readings Psalm 118:19-29 Mark 11:1-11...
Check out all the sermons from the current series here. ...
Jonny spoke to us at the 8.00 am service at St Mary's. His talk was based on the reading from Revelation 3:14-22 David spoke to us...