To listen simply click on the song - (some will have adverts but you can click to skip them) Hymns: Great is Thy Faithfulness O Jesus I Have...
UPDATED 19 March 2020 At this time, with the impact of Covid-19 developing all the time, we encourage everyone to Be Aware, Be Wise, Be Kind. Message from...
Compline But wait, what’s Compline I hear you ask? The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning ‘completion’. It is above...
Parish Diary - 15.03.2020 COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) – STATEMENT FROM THE CHURCH LEADERSHIP - Last updated 12.03.2020...
LAST UPDATED 12 MARCH 2020 At this time, with the impact of Covid-19 developing all the time, we encourage everyone to Be Aware, Be Wise, Be Kind. Be...
Today's Readings Exodus 19:17-20, 20:1-21 Matthew 22:34-40...