01 Aug Vicars’ Blog August – Summer Special
For those at school or with school age children or grandchildren, summer holidays are finally here. Even without children at home, we find the change in routine and having long, light evenings and better weather makes summer special. There’s opportunity for taking life slower and doing things we don’t have time for the rest of the year.
Over August we intentionally take time to see friends and family, and take time for God, like taking retreat time and reading Christian books. It’s a good time to feed ourselves spiritually and socially as well as with yummy food from those barbecues.
If you’re looking for a book to read check out the books on prayer on page 7 of the August Newsletter. We have been recommending How to Pray by Pete Greig, it really is well worth a look or search out anything by John Ortberg or Philip Yancey (for a longer read), and I know Alex would certainly recommend Tim Keller!
Summer is special – time when we can connect with people inside and outside the church and build relationship. Spreading the faith is all about relationship at the end of the day. Perhaps we can all identify one neighbour to get to know better with a view to inviting them to church or to join our Life group (home group) in the Autumn. And then choose one family at church to meet up with and encourage in faith this August. All these things help us as a church to build a sense of community being God’s people encouraging one another to live out the Christian life in everything.
This is reflected in our Vision Priorities for 2019-2020:
- Prayer – together and personal
- Share stories of Faith
- Join a Life group
- Be a community of God’s people who care, pray together and love one another
- Serve joyfully and give generously
- Shine God’s light by serving local people in practical and spiritual ways.
If you are interested in shining God’s light there are still opportunities this summer to volunteer to help with the community Summer Lunch club at St John’s every Friday in August or perhaps you might consider helping with the Holiday club from 12th to 16th August please email Alex or Amy @waltonparish.org.uk to help.
Let’s make this summer special by taking our next steps towards deeper faith in Christ and encouraging someone else to do so as well.
Have a great summer!
Jonny & Cathy