01 Mar VICARS’ BLOG – March 2021 – Road Map to Freedom
Posted at 06:00h
in Vicars' Blog
On Monday 22nd February, the Prime Minister announced a road map for the gradual lifting of lockdown restrictions to lead the country step by step to recovery from the Covid-19 season in which we have been living for a year. The government say we will keep going forwards, we don’t want to go back. They say it is not over, Covid is not defeated. It will be something we live with over months and years to come.
There is a parallel here as we journey through the 40 days of Lent and look towards Easter. The story of Jesus is our story. Luke 9:51 says
“Jesus turns his face towards Jerusalem.” Jesus has a road map. We will follow him to Jerusalem, to a triumphal entrance riding a donkey, to hostility from religious leaders and tender anointing by a sinful woman, to a last Passover meal with his disciples, to betrayal
and disowning by his own disciples, to the cross. Jesus has a road map to freedom – our freedom. He will keep going forwards, not flinching, and not turning back. It will be over: his life will be totally given, and death will be defeated. No more living in fear of death for
months and years to come for those who have embraced the Son of God and his death and resurrection. This is true freedom.
We are grateful for the hope that the government’s road map to recovery gives us and for vaccinations which give us a personal hope for protection against this virus. But our true hope is in Jesus, who has defeated death once and for all and opens up the way to eternal life. Vaccinations give us a fast-track to daily life without restrictions, but Jesus, the bread of life, feeds us daily with the truth of God’s love and hope beyond death.
We are looking forward to the steps on the road map represented by April 12th, May 17th, and June 21st. We are also looking forward to celebrating Good Friday and Easter Sunday and to living a life of freedom in Jesus every day.