30 Oct Vicars’ Blog – November 2017 – Serving & Giving
We are on an exciting journey as a Church: discerning a new direction and vision and looking ahead with boldness and confidence in a loving and generous God. Please continue to pray for the Vision Steering Group as they collate all our thoughts into one clear vision for our Church. We will know more in December.
Serving and Giving We would like to thank everyone who has been giving to God through the Church and serving in the Church in the last year. We will do that especially on 19th November which is our “Get Involved Sunday”. Rather than doing recruitment for all roles in the Church all year round, November is the time for all areas to find new people. Please think about how you would like to serve in the Church community in 2018. Please also consider increasing your regular giving to the Church through a Standing Order. There is a Giving leaflet explaining the finances of the Church and how we need everyone to get involved with this – please do take one. The Lectionary theme for November is “Making our lives count” which seems very appropriate.
Under 5s & Families Outreach Minister – a step of faith
We want to employ a new Under 5s & Families Outreach Minister to work full-time across both Churches dong outreach work with families in the gap left by Sheila Samuels, and also to take on the huge number of under fives we have in both St Mary’s and St John’s to make more impact with this group of people. This will enable Mandy to increase ministry with the older primary children and young people. Please see the separate leaflet which tells you how you can contribute to the £27,500 target by the end of November. Many thanks for being part of this journey of faith together.
Jonny and Cathy